In 1858 an Englishman by the name of Amos Worthington ventured here from Cincinnati, Ohio. He chose a spot about 35 miles southwest of Dubuque in the path between Farley and Cedar Rapids that would be accessible to the Dubuque Southern railroad. He built the first general merchandise store in the area and soon another businessman by the name of Mr. Piersall built a second store. It wasn’t long before a blacksmith shop and saloon located near the two stores and this was the beginning of Worthington. It was not until October 1, 1892 that the people of the village petitioned the court of Dubuque County to become an incorporated town. An election was held with a total of 42 eligible voters, 32 of which voted yes to incorporate and the remaining 10 voting no. The Clerk of Court certified a copy of all proceedings and the date of the official incorporation of the Town of Worthington was to be January 2, 1893.